Town of LakePark, FL
Home MenuDivisions of the Public Works Department
Administration Division supervises and provides support to staff. This division coordinates consultants and vendors, provides contract oversight and manages capital improvement projects (CIP).
Grounds Maintenance Division maintains the Town's 28 acres of parks, medians, easements, alleyways, building grounds and greenery, including grass, trees and shrubbery.
Infrastructure Maintenance Division is responsible for Town building maintenance and repair, as well as upkeep of the Town's streets, sidewalks and traffic signage. This division also assists other departments with special events and functions.
Sanitation Division serves businesses and residents with collection and disposal of garbage, trash, vegetation, and recycling pickup. It also provides garbage cans, recycling bins and dumpsters as needed.
Stormwater Division repairs and maintains the Town's 10.4-mile stormwater network and related infrastructure.
Streets & Roads Division repairs and maintains streets, sidewalks and street signs.
Vehicle Maintenance Division services Town-owned vehicles and equipment.